McChoco Potatoes – McDonalds Chocolate Fries in Japan

Several times a year, McDonalds Japan flexes its creative marketing muscles and brings us products that leave foreigners in Japan as well as the rest of the world scratching their collective heads. As collective heads are being scratched, loads of media and blog attention gets thrown McDonalds way. It’s pretty impressive.

Whether we’re talking squid ink black hamburger buns and cheese, purple sweet potato milk shakes, or World Cup inspired burgers, McDonalds knows how to get attention.

This time they’re back to their old tricks with the McChoco Potatoes! Basically, for a limited time at McDonalds locations throughout Japan you can get a large McDonalds French fries with the special Double Chocolate sauce. The fries come in a special McFry Potato Chocolate Sauce box, but several people have told me via social media that when they got their chocolate fries they came in a standard McDonalds French fry box. The fries will set you back 330 yen. The McDonalds staff in Kobe must have known that I was there representing so they of course gave me the official fries box!


I got mine at a McDonalds location in Sannomiya in Kobe, Japan. That particular location was quite full so there were no available seats for this intrepid food taster and JustJapanStuff “reporter” so I was forced to sit on a bench outside the restaurant for the entire world to bask in my glory.


I really wasn’t sure how this review would go. I am a big fan of salty snacks like potato chips. I also love plain French fries with salt and the concept of them being sweet just seemed repugnant to me. Since I thought the McChoco fries were an imminent disaster I ate about ¼ of them before I squirted on the chocolate sauce.



The sauce comes in a special squeeze packet that mixed both white and milk chocolate together. I slathered the fries in the chocolate sauce and dug in.


How were they?



I was actually quite surprised. Although not a taste I would normally go for, the fries were actually ok. They were quite edible in fact. I could see that the chocolate/salty flavor would appeal to people.

Sitting on that bench watching the world go by in Kobe and the world watching me eat fries and video blog about them, I was relatively satisfied. At the same time I was a little disappointed because I was really looking forward to panning the McChoco Potatoes here on JustJapanStuff.

No to worry though, Japan won’t let this intrepid JustJapanStuff “reporter” down. Soon Japan will give me another bizarre food product I can mock with great vigor!


Check out my YouTube video about this experience:



Twitter: @jlandkev




  1. I watched your video on YouTube (subscriber under the name of mustangrebus) and I was thinking that this isn’t so different than the chocolate covered potato chips of days past. I seem to recall that they were a big hit in Japan about five or six years ago.


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